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Oil on canvas, 2021
39 3/8 x 29 3/4 x 3/4 in
100 x 75.5 x 2 cm

"Who Are You, Really?" Series
Foto reference by Kohann Tensen
Model Myrtille Revemont

Please, hold on. If I catch your eye gaze, please, don't turn away. Please, resist. I know you will feel vulnerable, naked, unarmed. So do I. And that's ok.

We have covered ourselves (being covered?) in clothes, we have built walls, created borders, invented religions & politics. We have hidden ourselves behind many masks, lately they've put on us the real ones, but we can always choose to connect.

Please, watch me in the eyes. You will see so many things. Let's allow our souls "to talk".

Be brave. To see the truth you need a little bit of courage. A little bit of silence to know the deepest truth about yourself.
The goal of action is always contemplation -
knowing and being rather than seeking and becoming.

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