Who Are You, Really?
I don't know a subject more interesting than human nature. And if you ask me what the purpose of life is, I say that there is no any, apart from just experiencing it. So through experiencing life we can go on a never ending quest of self-exploration, learning & unlearning, trials & experiments, trying to understand:

Who We Really Are and Why We Are Here.
Humans fascinate me. The way we look, show up, interact, create, love, hate, enjoy, suffer, play, pretend, open up, defend, aspire, give, take, exist.
It awakens so much curiosity in me to see how we can be so different and so the same. How having two eyes, one nose, one mouse, we don't repeat, never, at all, not even in physical manifestation, even less in our minds, feelings, emotions, spirits. What happens with us that even though we live through the same patterns and experiences as thousands of other people, we still so often feel alone struggling to show up as we are, to be understood, accepted and loved. And it happens to everyone, on a daily basis. In our relationships, with our friends, with our parents, at our workplaces, in our communities.
What is it that holds us from showing up so raw and real, so authentic and sincere?
How do we get to the point of such a deep inner freedom, such profound self acceptance, that we can allow ourselves just being? As we are. At every moment. That we can allow ourselves to be seen and allow others to do the same. With all our struggles, processes, ups and downs, rises and falls, darkness and light.

How can we love ourselves unconditionally, so that we can allow others to do the same?

My work is nothing more than a celebration of beauty I see in people around. Through all these eyes that look at you from the portraits, there is a part of me looking deep inside your soul, seeing you in all your light, inviting you to do the same.
Look deep inside you, love and accept what is there.
Look deep inside others, love and accept what is there.
Look deep inside the very nature of existence, love and accept what is there.

Let's see how we can live in peace and love as a human race, by living in peace and love with ourselves.