PORTRAIT SERIES / 2022 - 2023
Layers of Truth
How many brushstrokes have painted our individual story, creating layers of conditioning, shaping who we are with each experience. How many times we have hidden behind the masks, trying to fit in, avoid the judgement of people around us. All we've ever wanted is to be loved and accepted, and in this desire we used to pretend a little to be someone else - someone easier to love. "Layers of Truth" series of paintings came to life in Mexican colonial town - Valladolid. Inspired by the walls of an old town which carry multiple layers of paint over them, encrypted with memories that has being lived throughout decades. Under those layers, there are thick concrete walls - a strong base which has remained untouched.

Just like the real us are always within ourselves. Behind the masks, behind the appearances, behind the conditioning, behind the good and bads that shaped us, our truth is always here. Will we dare to look deep inside?
I often ask myself how so much polarities can exist within ourselves at the same time - so much love and so much hate, so much truth and so much lies, so much courage and so much fear. Everything in one, like life and death, just one thing in a continuum - without one there is no other, because both are part of one wheel - a turning wheel which we call Universe - the human experience.

And so we are left to witness how courage can be shown only when there is fear, how light shines through darkness, how alive can we feel when we realize that we can die at any moment. Does it mean then that we can only know love when we know the pain of loneliness and rejection?
In the end one thing that we all are looking for - is Love. To be loved, received, listened to, contained, caressed, appreciated.
What would happen if we all could feel the unconditional love? For ourselves and for others? If we knew how to give and receive it without limits and fears? How does it feel to realise that we were born to be unconditionally loved, but we end up feeling alone - only because we don't allow this unconditional love to reach us. It gets stuck behind the masks of appearances and armors of protection we create for ourselves, trying to be more lovable or protecting ourselves from possible pain of rejection. We hide from ourselves, from our desires, from our soul, dreams - from our truth.

Could it be that instead of experiencing love in all the forms, in freedom, without limits and expectations, we have created so much constructions - social, mental, moral - that we just killed this unconditional infinite love? We conditioned and idealised the concepts of love, relationships, couples, families that we have been taught and didn't have courage to question. Are they true? Or they are just a prison where we auto-sabotage ourselves, live in fear and never connect with our deepest truth?
How could it feel to live in a world without the ideal of a relationship that can only be broken by death? Could it be that we would learn how to love without possessing? Love a lot? Love infinitely? Love without the fear to be left alone? Love ourselves first? Get to know that there is always enough love, and that it's not placed in another person, neither depends on that another? Could it be that we would finally experience that real love, which we are?

How would it feel to live in a world without a pre-context of heterosexual love? Could it be that we would stop dividing ourselves in opposite groups of males and females, and thus stop with the machismo and feminismo at the same time? Could it be that we would experience even more love in ourselves, which is always there? Which is not limited towards just one person at a time or just one gender, and when we don't feel guilty to feel that love. Could it be that we would finally let go of the illusion that we wouldn't be loved if we show up in our truth?

How can we start creating this world?
How can we create the reality in which every person can Feel Loved and Be Free to live in their Authentic Truth?