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Oil painting on canvas, 2022
40 x 30 x 3/4 in
101.5 x 76.2 x 2 cm

"Who Are You, Really?" Series
Foto reference by Omri Emile Rosengart
Model Daniel Bobovnikov

10% will be donated to NGOs & projects
focused on regenerative living

She looks up-up at the blue
And whispers to all of the above:

"Don't let me drown, don't breathe alone
No kicks, no pangs, no broken bones

Never let me sink, always feel at home
No sticks, no shanks, and no stones

Never leave it too late, always enjoy the taste
Of the great-great-great grey world of hearts"

As all dogs everywhere bark-bark-bark-bark
It's worth knowing

Like all good fruit, the balance of life
Is in the Ripe and Ruined

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